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CSC: Staff: Martin Köhler


MESS (Matrix Equation Sparse Solver)

MESS is the successor to the LyaPack Toolbox for MATLAB. It is intended for solving large sparse matrix equations. The new version has been rewriten in large parts to fit the drastic upgrades in the Matlab releases since 2000. Additionally new solvers for differential Riccati equations extend the functionality and many enhancements upgrade the efficiency and runtime behaviour enlarging the number of unknowns that can now be computed.

Since 2009 we develop a C based library which expolits the capabilities of modern Computers using OpenMP and PThreads. The library additionally provides interaces to many other mathematical libraries and an ease to use handling of sparse and dense matrices.

Information about the MATLAB variant can be found here.

The development of the C library can be watched at: http://svncsc.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de/trac/messtrac/

©2024, Max Planck Society, Munich
Martin Köhler, koehlerm@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de
06 February 2012