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Dipl.-Math. Martin Köhler

Involvement in Research Projects:

  • M.E.S.S.
    A software package for the numerical solution of matrix equations and related optimal control or model reduction problems.
  • Large Scale Matrix Equations
    We investigate the numerical solution of large scale linear and quadratic matrix equations. A special focus here lies on the solution of large scale continuous time Sylvester, Lyapunov and Riccati equations as appearing in model reduction and linear quadratic regulator problems for semidisretized PDEs.
  • Multicore and (Multi-)GPU Computing
    The progress in modern desktop computer architectures has driven numerical analysts and scientific computing researches to investigate the capabilities of shared memory parallelization techniques in all kinds of numerical algorithms.
  • Linux Cluster otto
    The compute cluster otto is the new central compute ressource at the MPI Magdeburg. Researchers of all groups can use it for simultations, large and especially distributed computations.
Martin Köhler, koehlerm@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de