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Dipl.-Math. Martin Köhler

Dipl.-Math. Martin Köhler

Technical associate of workgroup Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory (Prof. Dr. Peter Benner)

Postal adress: Max Planck Institute
for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Sandtorstr. 1
39106 Magdeburg
Martin Köhler
Office: Room S3.10
Phone: +49 391 6110 445
Secretary: +49 391 6110 450 Diana Noatsch-Liebke
Fax: +49 391 6110 500 MPI Magdeburg
E-Mail: koehlerm@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de
GPG public key: 0x828AFC48
0E05 BD6F 72D4 E66E 0C54 FBAC 5DE5 6F7C 828A FC48

Fields of research

  • numerical solution of "large", sparse matrix equations
  • parallel algortihms in numerical linear algebra
  • efficient algorithms for H2 model order reduction
  • development of mathmematical software
Additionally I maintain the compute cluster otto of our institute.


Software: M-M.E.S.S. 3.1 released

February 26, 2025
M-M.E.S.S.Version 3.1 of the M-M.E.S.S. toolbox for MATLAB and GNU Octave has been released. It contains various corrections and usability improvements..
Martin Köhler, koehlerm@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de