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Prof. Dr. Peter Benner
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Seminar Differential-Algebraic Equations

 (Differentiell-algebraische Gleichungen)

Summer Term 2006

Prof. Dr. Peter Benner

Where: 2/SR9 (changed from 2/SR6)
When: Tuesday, 15:30-17:00 (changed from 19:00 - 20:30)
Start: 4 April 2006


  • Peter Kunkel, Volker Mehrmann:
    Differential-Algebraic Equations. Analysis and Numerical Solution.
    EMS Publishing House, 2006.
  • Michael Günther, Uwe Feldmann, Jan ter Maten:
    Modelling and Dicretization of Circuit Problems.
    in: P.G. Ciarlet (Ed.), Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Vol. XIII, Elsevier/North Holland, 2005, pp. 523-660.


date Speaker Title of the talk
04-apr-06 Peter Benner talk allocation (Vortragsvergabe)
11-apr-06 Peter Benner Introduction
18-apr-06 Mohammad Sahadet Hossain Linear DAEs with constant coefficients: canonical forms
25-apr-06 Nab Raj Roshyara Explicit solution formulae for linear DAEs with constant coefficients
02-may-06 -- --
09-may-06 -- --
16-may-06 Peter Benner Linear DAES with time-varying coefficients
23-may-06 -- --
30-may-06 Hansjörg Schmidt Existence and uniqueness of solutions of nonlinear DAEs I
06-jun-06 -- --
13-jun-06 Hansjörg Schmidt Existence and uniqueness of solutions of nonlinear DAEs II
20-jun-06 -- --
27-jun-06 Mohammad Sahadet Hossain Numerical methods for DAEs: one-step methods
04-jul-06 -- --
11-jul-06 André Schneider Modelling of circuit problems by DAEs

Peter Benner,