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Research Group Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory

CSC Seminar 2025

Prof. Dr. P. Benner, Dr. V. Gosea, Dr. S. Grundel

research seminar of the research group Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory

General Information

Participants: researchers and students of the research group Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory
Room: MPI Magdeburg V0.05/2+3 and BBB
Time: Tuesday 14:00 -- 15:00


18.03.25 Anshul PrajapatiEigenvalue backward errors of matrix polynomials and the related distance problems
25.03.25 Harshit Kapadiatba
01.04.25 GAMM practice talkstba
15.04.25 Eda Oktaytba
22.04.25 Hamdullah Yueceltba
29.04.25 Hauke Sprinktba
06.05.25 Suleyman Yildiztba
13.05.25 Leonidas Gkimisistba
20.05.25 Yevgeniia Yevgenievatba
03.06.25 Shaimaa Monemtba
10.06.25 Luis Pirestba
17.06.25 Ashwin Nayaktba
past events
04.03.25 Konrad JanikTowards learning energy-preserving integrators using symplectic neural networks
11.02.25 Yevgeniya Filanovatba
04.02.25 Dorothea Hinsen (TU Berlin)Relationship between Dissipativity Concepts for port-Hamiltonian Systems
30.01.25 Simon OlssonAccelerating Molecular Simulations with Generative Models
28.01.25 Benedikt Brantner (MPI Plasmaphysik)GeometricMachineLearning.jl: Structure-Preserving Neural Networks with Julia
21.01.25 Jonas SchulzeA unifying framework for ADI-like methods for linear matrix equations and beneficial consequences
07.01.25 V. Gosea / S. Grundelassignment of speakers

Other Years

Jens Saak, saak@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de