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Sabine Hein
MPC/LQG-basierte Optimalsteuerung für
nichtlineare parabolische PDEs
14. Südostdeutsches Kolloquium zur Numerischen
Mathematik;Universität Leipzig,
25. April 2008
Jens Saak
Efficient Implementation of Large Scale Lyapunov and Riccati
Equation Solvers
Computational Methods with applications 2007;
Harrachov (Czech Republic);
20.-25. August 2007
Jens Saak
Application of LQR Techniques to the Adaptive Control of
Quasilinear Parabolic PDEs
ICIAM 2007;
ETH Zürich;
16.-20 July 2007
Jens Saak
Numerische Verfahren zur optimalen Steuerung
von parabolischen PDEs
Workshop Mathematische Systemtheorie Elgersburg
Hotel am Wald Elgersburg;
18.-22. February 2007
Jens Saak
ADI shift parameter computation
for large scale algebraic Riccati
and Lyapunov equations arising in the LQR problem for
parabolic PDEs ALA2006 Düsseldorf;
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
23.-27. July 2006
Sabine Hein
MPC for the Burgers Equation Based on an LQG Design;
GAMM Annual Meeting 2006; TU
Berlin, 27.-31. March 2006
Jens Saak
On Adi Parameters For Solving PDE Control-related Matrix
Equations; GAMM Annual Meeting 2006; TU
Berlin, 27.-31. March 2006
Sabine Hein
Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems
German-Polish Workshop for Young Researchers in Applied
and Numerical Linear Algebra; Mathematical Research
and Conference Center
Bedlewo (Poland),
02.-04. February 2006
Jens Saak
Efficient numerical solution of large scale LQR problems
arising in the optimal control of parabolic PDEs;
German-Polish Workshop for Young Researchers in Applied
and Numerical Linear Algebra; Mathematical Research
and Conference Center
Bedlewo (Poland),
02.-04. February 2006
Application of LQR Techniques to the Adaptive Control
of Quasilinear Parabolic PDEs Benner, Peter; Saak, Jens; Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics : Vol. 7;Issue 1; December 2007. |
On the Parameter Selection Problem in the Newton-ADI Iteration
for Large-Scale Riccati Equations; Benner, Peter; Mena, Hermann; Saak, Jens; Chemnitz Scientific Computing Preprints 06-03, TU Chemnitz; 2006. ISBN/ISSN: 1864-0087 |
Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems for
Parabolic Systems; Benner, Peter; Görner, Sabine and Saak, Jens; in Hoffmann, K.H. and Meyer, A.: Parallel Algorithms and Cluster Computing. Implementations, Algorithms, and Applications : vol. 52 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering; Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2006. ISBN/ISSN: 3-540-33539-0 pp. 151-169. |
MPC für nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen
parabolischen Typs Benner, Peter; Görner, Sabine; Tagungsband GMA-FA 1.40 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstheorie", GAMM-FA "Dynamik und Regelungstheorie", Workshops am Bostalsee, 24.-27.9.2006 : 2006. ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-9810664-2-5 |
MPC for the Burgers Equation Based on an LGQ Design; Benner, Peter; Görner, Sabine; Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics : Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 781-782; 2006. ISBN/ISSN: 1617-7061 |