News Archive
Software: pyMOR 2024.2.0 release
December 20, 2024

Events: 2nd MaRDI Workshop on Scientific Computing
September 01, 2024

Software: pyMOR 2024.1.1 release
August 20, 2024

Software: pyMOR 2024.1.0 release
July 08, 2024

Software: pyMOR 2023.2.0 release
December 07, 2023

Software: MORLAB - Model Order Reduction LABoratory 6.0
September 25, 2023

Software: pyMOR 2023.1.0 release
July 07, 2023

Software: pyMOR 2022.2.1 bugfix release
March 30, 2023

Software: pyMOR 2022.2.0 release
December 30, 2022

Software: pyMOR 2022.1.1 release
August 26, 2022

Software: pyMOR 2022.1.0 release
July 21, 2022

Events: 1st MaRDI Workshop on Scientific Computing
May 01, 2022

Events: 3rd Workshop on Optimal Control of Dynamical Systems and applications
March 01, 2022

Software: pyMOR 2021.2.0 release
December 22, 2021

Software: pyMOR 2021.1.0 release
September 24, 2021

July 06, 2021

Software: pyMOR 2020.2.2 release
May 20, 2021

Software: M-M.E.S.S.-2.1: New feature release
April 30, 2021

Preprint: Optimization-based parametric model order reduction via H2⊗L2 first-order necessary conditions
March 04, 2021

CSC News: DAAD PPP Accelerated solution of optimal damping problems
January 28, 2021

Software: pyMOR 2020.2.0 release
December 10, 2020

Software: pyMOR 2020.1.2 release
August 31, 2020

Software: pyMOR 2020.1.1 release
July 23, 2020

Paper: Best Paper Award for Jens Saak and Steffen Werner
March 05, 2020

Events: PACO 2019 - Workshop on Power-Aware Computing
November 05, 2019

Software: M.E.S.S. now available also in C, Python and via MEX for Matlab.
July 13, 2018

Paper: Best practices for replicability, reproducibility and reusability of computer-based experiments exemplified by model reduction software
September 28, 2016
Events: 20th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS)
July 11, 2016

Preprint: Best Practices for Replicability, Reproducibility and Reusability of Computer-Based Experiments Exemplified by Model Reduction Software
July 05, 2016

Preprint: Balanced truncation model reduction for linear time-varying systems
October 12, 2015

Preprint: A low-rank quadratic ADI algorithm for algebraic Riccati equations
October 02, 2015

New Paper: Optimal control and its application to inverse problems.
July 17, 2015

Preprint: Inexact Low-Rank Newton-ADI Method for Large-Scale Algebraic Riccati Equations
May 28, 2015

New Paper: Riccati-based Boundary Feedback Stabilization of Incompressible Navier-Stokes Flows
April 27, 2015

New Paper: Optimal control and its application to inverse problems.
April 04, 2015

CSC News: New Funding
January 01, 2015

New Publication: Optimal Control-Based Feedback Stabilization of Multi-field Flow Problems
December 30, 2014

Preprint: Low-Rank Newton-ADI methods for Large Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equations
November 20, 2014
Preprint: Balancing based model reduction for structured index-2 unstable descriptor systems with application to flow control
November 12, 2014
Preprint: On GPU Acceleration of Common Solvers for (Quasi-) Triangular Generalized Lyapunov Equations
October 15, 2014

CSC News: Workshop within DAAD project Optimal Damping of Vibrating Systems in Osijek (Croatia)
October 07, 2014

Events: Workshop and meeting of GAMM activity group "Dynamics and Control"
September 24, 2014

Preprint: On BLAS Level-3 Implementations of Common Solvers for (Quasi-) Triangular Generalized Lyapunov Equations
September 23, 2014

CSC News: New article: Model Order Reduction for Systems with Moving Loads
August 05, 2014

Preprint: On the benefits of the LDLT factorization for large-scale differential matrix equation solvers
July 30, 2014

Events: Joint GAMM ANLA and ALAMA Meeting 2014
July 13, 2014

Events: Participation at the PMAA 2014 in Lugano
July 02, 2014

Events: 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
March 10, 2014

CSC News: Defense of Bachelor thesis by Björn Baran
December 10, 2013

Preprint: Interfacing C-M.E.S.S. with Python
November 19, 2013

Events: 3rd colloquium of SFB/TR-96 on 10/29-30/13 in Aachen
October 29, 2013

New Preprint: Peter Benner, Patrick Kürschner, Jens Saak: Self-Generating and Efficient Shift Parameters in ADI Methods for Large Lyapunov and Sylvester Equations
October 09, 2013

New Preprint:
Eberhard Bänsch, Peter Benner, Jens Saak, Heiko Weichelt:
Riccati-Based Boundary Feedback Stabilization of Incompressible Navier-Stokes Flow
September 20, 2013

Preprint: Numerical Solution of Large and Sparse Continuous Time Algebraic Matrix Riccati and Lyapunov Equations: A State of the Art Survey
June 24, 2013

CSC News: New student assistant and Bachelor candidate
April 01, 2013

Events: 84th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
March 15, 2013
Events: SPP1253 Final Meeting
February 24, 2013

CSC News: New intern
February 05, 2013

Events: Meeting of the working group parameterization and simulation of SFB/TR-96 on 01/31-02/01/13 in Dresden
January 31, 2013

Thesis Topic: Bachelor Thesis
December 18, 2012

Contact: Jens Saak
Thesis Topic: Bachelor Thesis
December 18, 2012

Contact: Jens Saak
Thesis Topic: Bachelor Thesis
December 18, 2012

Contact: Jens Saak
Thesis Topic: Diplom/Master Thesis
December 18, 2012

Contact: Jens Saak
Thesis Topic: Diplom/Master Thesis
December 18, 2012

Contact: Jens Saak
New Paper: Efficient Model Order Reduction for Piezo Mechanical Systems
November 20, 2012

New Preprint:
Peter Benner, Patrick Kürschner, Jens Saak:
An Improved Numerical Method for Balanced Truncation for Symmetric Second Order Systems
November 08, 2012

Events: 2nd colloquium of SFB/TR-96 on 10/24-25/12 in Chemnitz, Fraunhofer IWU
October 24, 2012

New Preprint:
Peter Benner, Jens Saak, Friedhelm Schieweck, Piotr Skrzypacz, Heiko K. Weichelt:
A Non-Conforming Composite Quadrilateral
Finite Element Pair for Feedback Stabilization of the Stokes Equations
October 19, 2012
Events: Chemnitz FEM Symposium
September 25, 2012

Events: Workshop and meeting of GAMM activity group "Dynamics and Control"
September 19, 2012

CSC News: Linux cluster otto now computing faster
July 20, 2012

New Preprint:
Peter Benner, Jens Saak, Martin Stoll, Heiko Weichelt:
Efficient Solution of Large-Scale Saddle Point Systems Arising
in Riccati-Based Boundary Feedback Stabilization of Incompressible
Stokes Flow
June 20, 2012

Events: SIAM Applied Linear Algebra
June 16, 2012

Open Position: Student Assistant
May 16, 2012

New visitor: Jan Heiland visiting from TU Berlin
April 18, 2012

CSC News: Three Interns Working with CSC
April 02, 2012

CSC News: MPCSC at GAMM Annual Meeting in Darmstadt
March 30, 2012

Thesis Topic: Bachelor Thesis
January 19, 2012

Contact: Jens Saak
Thesis Topic: Bachelor Thesis
January 18, 2012

Solving dual large-scale Lyapunov equations is a main step for carrying out balanced truncation model order reduction for linear, time-invariant control systems. Both Lyapunov equation can be solved simultaneously in one run of the dual low-rank ADI iteration. Here we are going to investigate the simultaneous iterative solution of the occurring adjoint linear systems with BiCG / QMR.
Contact: Patrick Kürschner
New Preprints: 3 Preprints in 5 Days
December 19, 2011

- Peter Benner, Tobias Breiten: On optimality of interpolation-based low-rank approximations of large-scale matrix equations
- Peter Benner, Martin Köhler, Jens Saak: Sparse-Dense Sylvester Equations in ℋ₂-Model Order Reduction
- Thomas Mach, Jens Saak: Towards an ADI iteration for Tensor Structured Equations
Events: 1. General Assembly of the DFG Transregio 96 at TU Dresden
October 04, 2011

Events: GAMM Workshop Applied Linear Algebra
September 22, 2011

Events: 17th ILAS Conference in Braunschweig
August 22, 2011

Thesis Topic: Diplom/Master Thesis:
July 07, 2011

We are searching for a regulator based feedback control u. Since this is not covered by the linear quadratic regulator approach, we first compute a reference pair of control and solution trajectory via open loop optimization. The resulting pair is then tracked by the regulator based feedback control.
Contact: Jens Saak
Open Position: Student Assistant
July 06, 2011

Open Position: Student Assistant
July 06, 2011

CSC News: DFG funding Transregio 96
July 01, 2011

Events: 6th Science Night in Magdeburg
May 28, 2011

We cordially invite you and your family to discover basic research in the engineering sciences: during guided tours through our institute, short lectures on our research topics and in experiments for kids and grown-ups! Our program for you (in German) ...
CSC News: Linux-Cluster Otto in the Press
May 26, 2011

CSC News: Jens in Osijek, Croatia
May 02, 2011

CSC News: First CSC research group weekend workshop
April 07, 2011

CSC News: Project Meeting
January 25, 2011

Events: MOR2011
January 20, 2011

Events: Symposium on Analysis & Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems in the Engineering Sciences
November 18, 2010
CSC News: New CSC Webpage
November 16, 2010