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/booktitle={Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2014}/,
/series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}/,
/Beniamino and Misra/,
/Sanjay and Rocha/,
/AnaMariaA.C. and Torre/,
/Carmelo and Rocha/,
/JorgeGustavo and Falcão/,
/MariaIrene and Taniar/,
/David and Apduhan/,
/BernadyO. and Gervasi/,
/title={Accelerating Band Linear Algebra Operations on GPUs with Application in Model Reduction}/,
/publisher={Springer International Publishing}/,
/keywords={Band linear systems; linear algebra; graphics processors (GPUs); high performance; control theory}/,
/Peter and Dufrechou/,
/Ernesto and Ezzatti/,
/Pablo and Igounet/,
/Pablo and Quintana-OrtÃ/,
/EnriqueS. and Remón/,